澳学者:澳大利亚应坚持独立自主外交 与中国更好地相处丨世界观
近日,澳学澳大利亚学者、澳自主中国中国人民大学教授薄国强(Roland Boer)在接受专访时表示,大利独立地相热血江湖手游高手怪近期,坚持澳中两国高层交往释放出积极信号,外交澳中关系正在重回正轨。更好观他认为,处丨澳大利亚应坚持独立自主的世界对外政策,与其邻国以及东南亚和东亚的澳学热血江湖手游高手怪邻近国家更好地相处,尤其是澳自主中国与中国的相处最为重要。(甘甜 赵丽)
High-level exchanges between Australia and China signal a positive turn in the bilateral relationship,大利独立地相 said Roland Boer, an Australian scholar and professor at Renmin University of China, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently.
He pointed out that Australia needs to develop an independent foreign policy, which means getting on better with neighbors and counterparts in Southeast Asia and East Asia, especially with China. (Gan Tian and Zhao Li)
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